발렌타인드림 A versatile 3D generalist expert in 3D design and animation.
A versatile 3D generalist expert in 3D design and animation.
3D generalist Marianne
따옴표Motion graphic designers bring their creations to life, infusing simple designs with envisioned concepts and evoking emotions.따옴표
Q1Hello! Please introduce yourself briefly.
Q2What kind of work are you in charge of?
Q3Is there any special reason or reason why you chose rigging? And I wonder why you came to Korea!
Q4Please explain the process of your work!
Q5What competencies do motion graphic designers need?
Q6What do you think is the biggest attraction of the job as a "motion graphic designer"?
Q7I think this job requires collaboration with other departments, what kind of collaboration will it be?
Q8Is there anything important about choosing a company? And what are the characteristics of "Ballantine Dream"?
따옴표If someone wants to join the company, I would say, don’t be scared.따옴표
Q9How does your company help you with your career? Also, is there anything you're preparing for your career growth?
Q10What words and reasons can you express yourself?
Q11Finally, is there anything you would like to say to the applicants for Ballantine Dream?
마침 발렌타인드림에서 채용중이네요!
5 ~ 10년 대학(2,3년)↑ |
정규직 서울 영등포구 |
~ 02/10(월)
1 ~ 5년 대학(2,3년)↑ |
정규직 서울 영등포구 |
~ 02/07(금)
마케팅기획SNS마케팅콘텐츠기획브랜드마케팅퍼포먼스마케팅 외
경력무관 대학(2,3년)↑ |
정규직 서울 영등포구 |
경력무관 대학(2,3년)↑ |
정규직 서울 영등포구 |